Saturday, April 30, 2016

Final Project: Portrait of my mom and I

Hello, guys! :)
I think this blog post will be my last one since my basic drawing course is almost ending!
We were assigned to complete a final drawing project for this basic drawing class. 
I had to pick a person or draw myself by using two different drawing tools or drawing techniques. 
I decided to draw face with graphite pencils and clothes and background with a charcoal pencil by smearing it with paper towels.
This picture below is my final!

In addition to this, I had to describe the reason why I decided to draw this person and why I used those two drawing tools or techniques for final project.
I missed my mom who has always been my supporter and helper, and I'm going back to Korea in a bout a week, so I decided to draw a photo image of her and I together!

I hope all of you have enjoyed my blog posts and hope you caught up some drawing skills that I've described in my blog posts! 

+ two more drawings I did!

Have a great summer everyone and thank you for reading my posts so far! :) 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cross hatching the object

Hello, everyone! 
Since my basic drawing class has begun the last portfolio no.3, we learned a new skill of drawing the objects: hatching and cross hatching. By hatching and cross hatching, you can show the volumes, darkness and lights of the object. In this course, I drew a pine cone by using four different colored-pens. Each different colored-pen has to be drawn in different directions. By overlapping the lines and different colors, I could show the volumes. The picture below will give you an idea of hatching and cross hatching.  
The picture below is an example of drawing by hatching and cross-hatching. 

You can depict the darkness and the volume by using different colored-pens, overlapping the lines, and drawing lines in different directions. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Portrait for Birthday Present

Hello, guys! It was one of my best friends' birthday and since she is my future roommate for next year, I wanted to make her birthday a little more special! Unfortunately, her birthday was the first day of the dead week before the final week and also on gloomy Monday, so I decided to draw her portrait to make her day somewhat better! And here it is! :)

It is always a pleasure drawing someone really beautiful and I really enjoyed drawing her! 
I used a regular size 2 mechanical pencil for this portrait. Frankly speaking, I like drawing portraits with size 2 pencil the most! For some reason, it is more convenient than using a variety of different graphite pencils! 
Drawing is always entertaining, and drawing portraits is my forte. ;)
Happy Birthday to my beautiful future roommate! 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Self-portrait with a Charcoal Pencil

Hello again! Our class has started a new drawing skill and new chapter: drawing portraits.
This time, we drew our own self-portraits with a charcoal pencil. Using charcoal can be a lot harder than drawing with graphite pencils because it is harder to erase it. Also, charcoal pencil does not have a variety of harness or darkness like graphite pencils do, so more careful handling is needed.
This picture below is my self-portrait that I drew the other day. 

Since our class aims to draw objects from life, so I had to constantly look at myself in the mirror to finish this piece. First I used a compressed charcoal all over the drawing pad and smeared it with a paper towel. I then used a charcoal pencil and began drawing my eyes, nose, mouth, and overall facial shape. Next, I used an art eraser to express the highlights of the face. Once I was done drawing, I sprayed over it in order to prevent it from damage. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Graphite Still-life Drawing

Hello, everyone!
Sorry, It has been quite awhile I have not updated my blog posts.

My basic drawing course has covered many new and fun drawing skills including expressing volumes and depths of the objects with graphite pencils and drawing portraits with a charcoal pencil, etc.



The first image I attached is the actual still-life objects that I was to draw. I used ten different kinds of graphite pencils with different hardness and darkness. The main purpose of drawing with graphite pencils is to express the volumes and the intensity of light and defining the shadow.

I have a fairly good observation skills to determine the lights and shadow generally, so it was easy to sketch and express the shadows and volumes.
It is actually an exciting moment finding myself getting improved day by day! After I was checked by my coolest Art instructor, Mr. Decarlo, and slipped it into my second portfolio!
First picture for my second portfolio looks successful to me.
Whoop whoop!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Starting a New Drawing Skill: Negative & Positive Space Drawing!

Hello, again :) 

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I am posting another one! 

I was really sick for last entire week, so I couldn't even attend my drawing course. When I came back to the class this week, I realized I am far behind than other classmates. They already began a new drawing skill called negative & positive space drawing, so I had to go through all the demonstrations and catch up what I have missed. 

Since it was a total new drawing skill, I had a trouble with getting used to this new skill. I also had to draw with a compressed charcoal, I ended up getting charcoal all over on myself and had to wash my hands multiple times. 

After struggled a bit more, I started getting used to how to depict the negative and positive space of the objects.... And Ta-da!  

I made quite a bit of progress in my drawing within only 2 hours of drawing, and my instructor even complimented me on this. Even though I haven't completed drawing, I am proud of myself catching up quicker than expected. It feels great whenever realizing how much I have improved since the beginning of the semester. 

Negative and positive space drawing skill is a second big topic for this course, so I assume that I will have a couple of weeks to make more touch-ups! 

Once I get an approval of being done on my drawing, I could spray over my picture to keep it permanent! :)

I can't wait until going to the next class period!!

Monday, February 29, 2016

First Art portfolio and class critique time!

Hello again!

I'm posting two blog posts today because I have actually made so much progress in my Basic Drawing course.

After turned in the first contouring portfolio, our class had a class drawing critique time to evaluate each others' art pieces. The picture below is for one of the stained life contouring pictures critique.

Class critique time was really valuable because I could get evaluated on my drawings and compare each others' drawings. I learned which part I need to improve on and which part I did really great on.

I realized that drawings can vary depending on the angle of looking at and depending on the way of people. More specifically, in general, I draw my lines very dramatically and clearly. On the other hands, some people focused more on the volumes and the shadows instead. It was interesting to compare my drawings with those of other classmates.

Overall, enjoyed it a lot and my first portfolio looks great so far! :)