Monday, February 29, 2016

First Art portfolio and class critique time!

Hello again!

I'm posting two blog posts today because I have actually made so much progress in my Basic Drawing course.

After turned in the first contouring portfolio, our class had a class drawing critique time to evaluate each others' art pieces. The picture below is for one of the stained life contouring pictures critique.

Class critique time was really valuable because I could get evaluated on my drawings and compare each others' drawings. I learned which part I need to improve on and which part I did really great on.

I realized that drawings can vary depending on the angle of looking at and depending on the way of people. More specifically, in general, I draw my lines very dramatically and clearly. On the other hands, some people focused more on the volumes and the shadows instead. It was interesting to compare my drawings with those of other classmates.

Overall, enjoyed it a lot and my first portfolio looks great so far! :)

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