Friday, January 15, 2016

Drawing portraits for happiness

Since I was younger, around the age of six, I have traveled around a few countries including Beijing; China, Paris; France, Osaka; Japan, Cebu; Philippines,  Taiwan, and 10 different states of America. I do not really have a specific reason to move around so much but whenever I went to different countries, I had many opportunities to visit their own art museum and to experience their art cultures. It was really interesting that each country and even each state of America has its own distinct art cultures and styles. I will take more about these different art cultures in my following posts.

Now, I am quite confident that I am expert on drawing portraits among my peers, even if I have never learned professional ways to draw portraits. Drawing portraits has been my favorite hobby since my childhood, and I even considered going into the professional art school after graduated from high school. But you all know this already. "No one knows what will happen in the future." I am attending as a First Year Engineering at Purdue University and keep pursuing my interest in drawing portraits by taking several art courses there.

In fact, I started drawing portraits as my hobby about four years ago. There was no huge reason or motivation for me to start drawing portraits. About four years ago, when I began my high school in Louisiana, I took a general Art course. I met a lot of great friends who are very talented and love art. I tried many drawings and paintings, and I found myself really enjoying drawing portraits of my loving friends and peers to make them happy with my drawings.
Since then my motto is "drawing portraits for my loving ones and for their happiness." I still remember when I gave my first portrait to my US nanny for her 55th birthday. I drew her and her niece, also my favorite ones, and she busted out in tears with happiness. I was actually really touched and it is very memorable to me and became a strong motivation for me to draw portraits of my loving ones.

Today, I would like to start my first blogging post with a few of my drawing portraits from the oldest to the latest. I did not notice that I have significantly improved until looking back at the pictures that I have drawn so far. These are some pictures I have drawn and posted on my personal SNS pages:

This is the first painting I did while taking Art course in Louisiana. It helped me a lot to find interest in different types of Art. Throughout the course with my best friends, I had great opportunities to decorate homecoming and prom background courts and painted the walls and much more.

The portrait of my US nanny and niece
I started drawing portraits of my loving ones whenever I miss them or want to give my drawings as a gift. I drew this picture to the right about four years ago, when I started studying in the United States. I missed my family badly and wanted to express it into a drawing.
As I remember, I was really busy after transferring my high school to Cleveland, Ohio from Louisiana. Well, it was not the only reason. To be honest, I did not really enjoy staying there and I did not get along with my friends there so stopped drawing portraits there for a bit. 
As I remember, the picture right above is the only portrait that I drew while studying in Ohio. This is the portrait of my host sister and the priest of my church. I drew this portrait for my host sister's baptism and to celebrate her baptism.

A year after, I moved again to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where I graduated my high school and drew the most portraits so far. Frankly, it was my senior year and wanted to start drawing portraits again. I think I started posting my drawings on my personal SNS since then.

It is obvious that I met many great friends and people whom I liked a lot because I drew the most of my portraits there. It is always exciting when I give my drawings to my friends and make them happy! 

I am currently taking a basic drawing Art course at Purdue, and I hope to pursue my interest and will have many opportunities to learn more professional skills to improve my drawing skills. (:

By far, I hope you enjoyed my first blogging post about my interest in Art and portraits. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW! You have an amazing talent! I also really love how creative and detailed your blog is! I actually enjoyed reading it and looking at all your portraits! It is awesome how you can bring joy and happiness to your loved ones through this incredible hobby! Great story!

    1. Thank you so much (: I appreciate it! I will try to keep it updated whenever I draw more portraits during my spare time!!
